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Plagiotremus townsendi,也称为汤森鳚或Townsend's fangblenny,是一种小型的海洋鱼类,主要生活在西印度洋的珊瑚礁区域,包括红海和阿曼湾。汤森鳚的身体前部是蓝色,后部是黄色;背鳍前部上面是黑色,下面橙红色,后部是黄色。它们有发达的犬齿,虽然没有毒腺,但也具有极强的杀伤力,受威胁时会反咬一口。这种鱼类喜欢躲在管虫的虫管和牡蛎的空壳中,在夜间,它们会在这些地方睡觉。
In terms of reproduction, Townsend's fangblenny is oviparous, meaning the species lays eggs. The eggs are demersal, meaning they are laid close to the sea floor, and are adhesive, sticking to the substrate with a filamentous pad or pedestal. The larvae of this species are planktonic, often drifting in the shallow, coastal waters before settling down to mature.
The genus name Plagiotremus is derived from the Greek words "plagios," meaning oblique, and "trema," meaning hole, hinting at the fish's perhaps unusual ecological niche and appearance.