Bluespotted cornetfish
学名Fistularia commersonii
Long, thin, whip-like body, often seen held perfectly straight when swimming slowly and undulating with a snake like motion when swimming quickly. Snout extremely long and narrow and has a long tail filament. Blue lines and spots on body, lacks row of bony plates on back in front of dorsal fin as in F. petimba (Rough Flutemouth) .
身体修长、纤细,呈鞭状。在缓慢游动时,通常保持身体笔直,而在快速游动时则会像蛇一样扭动。吻部极为细长,且有一条长尾丝。身上有蓝色的线条和斑点,与F. petimba(粗糙笛鲷)不同,它背部的背鳍前方没有一排骨质鳞片。