作者不仅科普了反社会者和他们能够操纵成功的原理,最后章节还加以区别了反社会人格和自恋人格障碍,两者有很多共同点(如不停说谎),但说谎的目的不一样。“In general, the narcissist delights in being singled out; the sociopath wishes to blend in.”
📖“abuse flourishes in secrecy and isolation, remaining in such a closed system in any area of your life will make you dangerously vulnerable to sociopathic exploitation. ”
📖“if the person under discussion wishes to keep you isolated and strongly objects to your conversations with anyone else, consider that a large red flag.”
前作《当良知沉睡:辨认身边的反社会人格者》玛莎·斯托特 | 微信读书