03/02/2025 - 03/08/2025
文化有限 - 仿生人会梦见电子羊吗?
www.xiaoyuzhoufm.com 银杏树下 - 东东枪:当世界忙着给书评星,我们选择给好奇心浇水
www.xiaoyuzhoufm.com上周的多多指教,看到了多面的东东枪。这周的银杏树下,看到了多面的《读库生鲜》主编。“读书似看山,编书如造园” 一寸 - 重读《百年孤独》,减慢世界完蛋的速度
有问题鸦- 和超哥晴总一起小声蛐蛐:做读书博主的“守墓心得”
www.xiaoyuzhoufm.com可太喜欢你们三唠叨了!“那么问题来了”!“有问题鸦” 什么时候 和 “孟阳话很多”的 一起 “蜜獾吃(几本)书”
随机波动- 妇女节·随机信箱|| 时间带来遗憾,以及更多可能
www.xiaoyuzhoufm.comAll-In with Chamath, Jason, Sacks & Friedberg
podcasts.apple.comTrump's tariffs; Trump 2.0 favoring Main Street over Wall Street, bond market breakdown, re-balancing the economy; Ukraine/Russia, the Western alliance; AND GPT-4.5, Grok 3 on X, and the Golden Age of language models!
Invest Like the Best: Devon Zuegel: How To Create A New Town
podcasts.apple.comChallenges and Trust Building in Development; Urban Design and Pop-Up Villages; Mortgages and Taxes; The Kindest thing anyone has done for Devon: the doctors treated her with so much respect, and particularly encouraged her curiosity, and made it she was part of the decision-making process
For The Long Run: Cutting through the Noise in Sports Nutrition with Kylee Van Horn and Zoë Rom
podcasts.apple.comYour Diet Sucks! I love thier epsides! Those "traditional fitness culture and outdated coaching method" are toxic! Throw up the scale! listen to the hot takes on sports nutrition and diet culture, from raw milk to socio-economic factors! btw, I did the experiments. the cheaper alternative one worked for me
The Strength Running: Achilles Tendinopathy Treatment & Prevention
podcasts.apple.comcame just in time! i'm suffering from Archilles pain these days!
we don’t need to give up running due to Achilles pain, b/c the stress helps it healing properly. practical tips and exercises for Achilles tendinopathy treatment + preventions