纽约金牌离婚律师James Sexton已经成为我过去一个季度以来各种信源里最炙手可热的老白男:我的B站即刻YouTube小宇宙Apple podcast等各处时间线里他已经出现了不下八次。
加起来也听了看了四五个小时他的内容,刚好一次是情人节后面,昨天520又完整听了他和Lex Fridman的三个小时的播客对谈,每次听他说话都有一种解开心结的畅快感。Oh so even the richest people or the most attractive people still got all those shitty moments in their lives and they cannot put it together.
1️⃣If you are into a relationship that is all too damn romantic, you are getting an unfulfilled one. Love cannot exist without hate.
2️⃣I it takes huge courage to dive into another person and chances are we too often don’t even have enough courage to dive into ourselves.
3️⃣I lost my dog, I thought I would never have a second one yet it’s not true, I will still have my second dog and love him as well. People have this ultimate resilience to recover from ashes.
4️⃣Connection is all we have got.